13,368 research outputs found

    Space physics analysis network node directory (The Yellow Pages): Fourth edition

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    The Space Physics Analysis Network (SPAN) is a component of the global DECnet Internet, which has over 17,000 host computers. The growth of SPAN from its implementation in 1981 to its present size of well over 2,500 registered SPAN host computers, has created a need for users to acquire timely information about the network through a central source. The SPAN Network Information Center (SPAN-NIC) an online facility managed by the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) was developed to meet this need for SPAN-wide information. The remote node descriptive information in this document is not currently contained in the SPAN-NIC database, but will be incorporated in the near future. Access to this information is also available to non-DECnet users over a variety of networks such as Telenet, the NASA Packet Switched System (NPSS), and the TCP/IP Internet. This publication serves as the Yellow Pages for SPAN node information. The document also provides key information concerning other computer networks connected to SPAN, nodes associated with each SPAN routing center, science discipline nodes, contacts for primary SPAN nodes, and SPAN reference information. A section on DECnet Internetworking discusses SPAN connections with other wide-area DECnet networks (many with thousands of nodes each). Another section lists node names and their disciplines, countries, and institutions in the SPAN Network Information Center Online Data Base System. All remote sites connected to US-SPAN and European-SPAN (E-SPAN) are indexed. Also provided is information on the SPAN tail circuits, i.e., those remote nodes connected directly to a SPAN routing center, which is the local point of contact for resolving SPAN-related problems. Reference material is included for those who wish to know more about SPAN. Because of the rapid growth of SPAN, the SPAN Yellow Pages is reissued periodically

    User's guide to programming fault injection and data acquisition in the SIFT environment

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    Described are the features, command language, and functional design of the SIFT (Software Implemented Fault Tolerance) fault injection and data acquisition interface software. The document is also intended to assist and guide the SIFT user in defining, developing, and executing SIFT fault injection experiments and the subsequent collection and reduction of that fault injection data. It is also intended to be used in conjunction with the SIFT User's Guide (NASA Technical Memorandum 86289) for reference to SIFT system commands, procedures and functions, and overall guidance in SIFT system programming


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    Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Cluster, Classify, Regress: A General Method For Learning Discountinous Functions

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    This paper presents a method for solving the supervised learning problem in which the output is highly nonlinear and discontinuous. It is proposed to solve this problem in three stages: (i) cluster the pairs of input-output data points, resulting in a label for each point; (ii) classify the data, where the corresponding label is the output; and finally (iii) perform one separate regression for each class, where the training data corresponds to the subset of the original input-output pairs which have that label according to the classifier. It has not yet been proposed to combine these 3 fundamental building blocks of machine learning in this simple and powerful fashion. This can be viewed as a form of deep learning, where any of the intermediate layers can itself be deep. The utility and robustness of the methodology is illustrated on some toy problems, including one example problem arising from simulation of plasma fusion in a tokamak.Comment: 12 files,6 figure

    A novel human glucocorticoid receptor SNP results in increased transactivation potential.

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    Glucocorticoids are one of the most widely used therapeutics in the treatment of a variety of inflammatory disorders. However, it is known that there are variable patient responses to glucocorticoid treatment; there are responders and non-responders, or those that need higher dosages. Polymorphisms in the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) have been implicated in this variability. In this study, ninety-seven volunteers were surveyed for polymorphisms in the human GR-alpha (hGRα), the accepted biologically active reference isoform. One isoform identified in our survey, named hGR DL-2, had four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), one synonymous and three non-synonymous, and a four base pair deletion resulting in a frame shift and early termination to produce a 743 amino acid putative protein. hGR DL-2 had a decrease in transactivation potential of more than 90%. Upon further analysis of the individual SNPs and deletion, one SNP, A829G, which results in a lysine to glutamic acid amino acid change at position 277, was found to increase the transactivation potential of hGR more than eight times the full-length reference. Furthermore, the hGRα-A829G isoform had a differential hyperactive response to various exogenous steroids. Increasing our knowledge as to how various SNPs affect hGR activity may help in understanding the unpredictable patient response to steroid treatment, and is a step towards personalizing patient care

    A Resource Based View of Business Method Patents

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    In recent years, patents have become widely popular for protecting software-based business methods. However, the IS literature has yet to consider the potential influence of patents in the IS-firm performance relationship. At the same time, the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm has proven to be a useful lens through which to examine the IS-firm performance relationship. In organizational strategy literature, various measures of patents are frequently utilized as proxies for components of the RBV or as the dependent variable in RBV studies. Following in this vein, the purpose of the current study is to examine whether software-based business method patents fit the definitions prescribed in the RBV and if such patents can be empirically connected to a firm’s performance
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